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Searchterm 'Actinides' found in 1 term [
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Actinides are elements in the periodic table with an equal or higher atomic number than actinium, which has an atomic number of 89 and up to 103 lawrencium, including plutonium, curium, and californium). Actinides are also called 'rare earth metals'.
Actinides include most of the well-known elements found in nuclear reactions with atomic numbers higher than 92. These elements do not occur naturally but are produced by bombarding other elements with particles in an accelerator.
Intensifying Screen
An intensifying screen is used to intensify the x-ray effect during radiation exposure of the x-ray film. Approximately 5% of the x-ray photons will be absorbed by the film only. Intensifying screens consist of a sheet of inorganic salts that emits fluorescent light when stroked by x-rays. The fluorescent input and output screens of the image intensifier are very similar to intensifying screens.
Calcium tungstate and rare earths are two common salts (also called phosphors) used for intensifying screens. For example, a calcium tungstate (CaWo4) screen can absorb around 40% of the x-ray photons and convert the radiation into light photons. A basic feature of this screen types is related to the position of the k-edge on the energy axis. Tungsten (W) is a heavy element has a k-edge at 69.5 keV, while that for rare earth elements is in around 50 keV.
The fraction of x-rays absorbed by a screen is depending on the speed. Factors affecting the speed of a screen:
the phosphor type;
the x-ray radiation absorption efficiency;
the radiation to light intrinsic conversion efficiency;
the thickness of the screen.
Mammography cassettes contain usually one intensifying screen, but most others use two screens per film cassette. The intensifying screen as part of a film screen system has been an important component in radiology to reduce the radiation dose of the patient. Today, the conventional film cassette is being replaced by an imaging plate used in digital systems.

See also Actinides, Cinefluorography and Added Filtration.
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