ROCHESTER, NY-Carestream Health is increasing the prices of its medical, dental and nondestructive testing films worldwide.

Prices will increase as much as 50% or more in some areas of the world. The increase is due to ongoing rises in the cost of commodities used in film manufacturing, including silver, polyester and other essential resources, according to the company. Silver, which comprises a major portion of manufacturing expenses, has more than doubled in cost in the last year and has increased more than five times in cost in the last six years, Carestream says. In addition, oil prices have risen 30% in the last year, which heightens the cost of utilities, transportation and the petroleum-based polyester used in the production of film.

Specific details surrounding price increases will be communicated locally in each country. In the interim, customers that have questions are asked to contact their local Carestream Health sales representative or authorized dealer.