'Pixel' p3 Searchterm 'Pixel' found in 1 term [ • ] and 14 definitions [• ]Result Pages : • •
(MIP) CT Angiography images can be processed by maximum intensity projection to interactively viewing volumes of data, where the CT number of each pixel is given by the minimum CT number through the volume. The MIP connects the high intensity dots of the blood vessels in three dimensions, providing an angiogram that can be viewed from any projection. Each point in the MIP represents the highest intensity experienced in that location on any partition within the imaging volume. For complete interpretation the base slices should also be reviewed individually and with multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) software. The MIP can then be displayed in a Cine format or filmed as multiple images acquired from different projections.
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(ROI) Keyboard controlled identification of a given area of an image for numerical analysis and the area of anatomy being scanned that is of particular importance in the image. This area can also be a volume, than called (VOI) volume of interest. A ROI can be used for purposes such as calculation of pixel statistics. ROI measurements should be made with the smallest area and away from boarders and edges to avoid partial volume averaging. •
The resolution element has the size of the smallest spatially resolved region in an image. It may be anisotropic, e.g. with an asymmetric acquisition matrix or slice thickness, and may be larger than the pixel or voxel.
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