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Back Projection
Back projection is a mathematical procedure used to reconstruct CT images. Back Projection is based on the blurring of the x-rays within a projection back along the direction in which they were measured.
Image Quality
Image quality is an important value of all radiographic imaging procedures. Accurate measures of both image quality and patient radiation risk are needed for effective optimization of diagnostic imaging. Images are acquired for specific purposes, and the result depends on how well this task is performed. The imaging performance is mainly influenced by the imaging procedure, examined object, contrast agents, imaging system, electronic data processing, display, maintenance and the operator. Spatial resolution (sharpness), contrast resolution and sensitivity, artifacts and noise are indicators of image quality.
A high image contrast provides the discrimination between tissues of different densities.
The image resolution states the distinct visibility of linear structures, masses and calcifications.
Noise and artifacts degrade the image quality. In computed tomography (CT), high spatial resolution improves the visibility of small details, but results in increased noise. Increased noise reduces the low contrast detectability. Noise can be reduced by the use of large voxels, increased radiation dose, or an additional smoothing filter, but this type of filter increases blurring.
An image acquisition technique taking these facts into account maximizes the received information content and minimizes the radiation risk or keeps it at a low level.

See also As Low As Reasonably Achievable.
Mammography is a diagnostic imaging procedure of the breast to detect and evaluate breast disease. Mammography is widely used as a screening method and plays a key role in early breast cancer detection.
The screening mammography is used to detect breast changes in women who have no signs or symptoms or noticed breast abnormalities. The goal is to detect a breast tumor before any clinical signs are observable.
A diagnostic mammography is used to investigate suspicious breast changes, such as a breast lump, an unusual skin appearance, breast pain, nipple thickening or nipple discharge.
A breast screening or standard mammography requires two mammograms from different angles of each breast including craniocaudal view and mediolateral view. Additional images can be made from other angles or focus on microcalcifications or other suspicious areas.
A mammogram is created by special mammography equipment with long wavelength of the used x-rays. Film-screen mammography is still the most widely used technology, but the state of the art technique is digital mammography. Conventional x-ray equipment was used to produce mammograms until dedicated mammography equipment became available in the late 1960s. Film-screen mammography and xeromammography, introduced in the early 1970s, used lower radiation doses and produced sharper mammograms. The second generation of mammography systems has been introduced in the early 1980s. Chief disadvantages of analog mammography include the labor-intensive handling of the cassettes, relatively slow processing time, the lack of a direct interface to the x-ray system, and no post processing possibilities.
Mammograms of high quality should be done with the lowest radiation dose as possible. Adequate breast compression is important due to shortening of the exposure times, immobilization of the breast, reduction of motion and blurring and prevention of overpenetration by means of equalizing breast thickness.
Further breast imaging procedures include breast ultrasound and breast MRI.
Tomography is imaging by sections or sectioning to obtain images of slices through objects like the human body. Tomography is derived from the Greek words 'to cut or section' (tomos) and 'to write' (graphein). A device used in tomography is called a tomograph, while the image produced is a tomogram.
The first medical applications utilized x-rays for images of tissues based on their x-ray attenuation coefficient. The mathematical basis for tomographic imaging was laid down by Johann Radon. This type of imaging is used in different medical applications as for example computed tomography, ultrasound imaging, positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) also called magnetic resonance tomography (MRT).
Conventional x-ray tomographic techniques show organ structures lying in a predetermined plane (the focal plane), while blurring the tissue structures in planes above and below by linear or complex geometrical motion of the x-ray tube and film cassette.
Basically, computed tomography is the reconstruction of an image from its projections. In the strict sense of the word, a projection at a given angle is the integral of the image in the direction specified by that angle. The CT images (slices) are created in the axial plane, while coronal and sagittal images can be rendered by computer reconstruction.

See also Zonography, Computed or Computerized Axial Tomography, Resolution Element, Radiographic Noise, Intravenous Pyelogram.
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