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Searchterm 'Radiography' found in 5 terms [
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A cinefluorography produces a movie (cine) film from an image intensifier during x-rays examinations (often called videofluorography, cineradiography or cine). Cinefluorography is always monitored on the TV screen normally used for fluoroscopy. The image from the output screen of the image intensifier is split with a semi-transparent mirror into two output ports; one leading to the movie camera and the other to the fluoroscopy camera. Most of the light is directed to the cine camera. The image on the monitor does not suffer in quality due to the fact that the tube current for cinefluorography is about 100 times higher than for common fluoroscopy.
The x-ray generator pulses are synchronized with the movements of the cine camera, so that no x-rays are emitted when the film is moved forward to the next frame. The needed very accurate synchronization of the x-ray generator can be achieved by use of high voltage switching in the secondary circuit of the constant potential x-ray generator, by starting and stopping the inverter in a medium frequency generator or by using a grid controlled x-ray tube.
Compton Effect
The Compton effect describes the interaction of x-ray photons with electrons, in Compton's experiment in 1922/23 the electrons of graphite atoms. The x-ray photons scatter (Compton scattering) off the electrons in different directions. The remaining energy (lower frequency) of the scattered x-ray photons depends on the scattering angle. From an energy based point of view, these 'new or old' photons are a part of the original energy, represented by the incident x-ray photon before the interaction. The photons loss of energy (reduced frequency) is gained by an electron. Depending on this energy the electron could leave the atom. Depending on the remaining energy of the photon the interaction can repeat with a more to more decreasing energy level in the form of further Compton Scattering or by photo-electric absorption. Usually the Compton effect involves atom-bound electrons.
The Compton effect is responsible for most scattering effects in radiography.
Computed Tomography
(CT or CAT scan) Computed tomography is a diagnostic imaging technique, previously also known as computerized axial tomography (CAT), computer-assisted tomography (CAT), computerized tomographic imaging, and reconstructive tomography (RT).
A CT scan is based on the measurement of the amount of energy that a tissue absorbs as a beam of radiation passes through it from a source to a detector. As the patient table moves through the CT scanner, the CT tube rotates within the circular opening and the set of x-ray detectors rotate in synchrony. The narrow, fan-shaped x-ray beam has widths ranging from 1 to 20 mm. The large number of accurate measurements with precisely controlled geometry is transformed by mathematical procedures to image data. Corresponding to CT slices of a certain thickness, a series of two-dimensional cross-sectional images is created.
A CT is acquired in the axial plane, while coronal and sagittal images can be rendered by computer reconstruction. Although a conventional radiography provides higher resolution for bone x-rays, CT can generate much more detailed images of the soft tissues. Contrast agents are often used for enhanced delineation of anatomy and allow additional 3D reconstructions of arteries and veins.
CT scans use a relatively high amount of ionizing radiation compared to conventional x-ray imaging procedures. Due to widespread use of CT imaging in medicine, the exposure to radiation from CT scans is an important issue. To put this into perspective, the FDA considers the risk of absorbed x-rays from CT scans to be very small. Even so, the FDA recommends avoiding unnecessary exposure to radiation during diagnostic imaging procedures, especially for children.
CT is also used in other than medical fields, such as nondestructive testing of materials including rock, bone, ceramic, metal and soft tissue.

See also Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography.
Decimation is the reduction of data at the digitized signal. Fewer samples are used to represent the detected signal. The opposite process is called interpolation, more samples are added.

See also Digital Radiography, and Digital Subtraction Angiography.
Digital Mammography
The digital mammography is an electronic imaging procedure of the breast. The number of breast imaging facilities equipped with digital mammography (also called computed radiography mammogram (CRM), CR mammogram) is growing due to a number of advantages.
Digital images can be stored directly in a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) and allows the printing, enhancement, magnification, or brightness and contrast manipulation for further evaluation. The sensitivity of digital mammography compared to film mammography is better in women with dense breasts, a population at higher risk for breast cancer, due to these post processing possibilities.
'The American College of Radiology's (ACR) Imaging Network found that digital mammography detected up to 28 percent more cancers than film-screen mammography in women age 50 and younger, premenopausal and perimenopausal women, and women with dense breasts, as reported in October 2005 in the New England Journal of Medicine.'

Advantages of digital mammography:
Faster image acquisition;
shorter examination time;
improved contrast between dense and non-dense breast tissue;
under or over x-ray exposure can be corrected without repeated mammograms;
post processing of breast images for more accurate detection of breast cancer;
Easy storage and transmission over phone lines or a network.

Existing mammography equipment can be converted to 'digital' operation, which allows cost savings compared to integrated digital mammography systems.

See also Breast MRI.
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